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'It's about equity, equality. It's about decency and constitution...'

Equity is the OPPPSITE of equality.
Decency is a social claim, Constitution is a LEGAL DOCUMENT. MAKE UP YOUR DUCKING MIND :monkaGun:

I agree with Biden, Trump was wrong to say that there were fine people on both sides during the Charlottesville shitshow - anti-White leftists are subhuman scum, not "fine people".

And Heather Heyer can rot in hell.
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lmao now the left is trapped in a double bind where they have to either admit that biden wore a wire and cheated or that he's so old and frail that he can't even stand at a podium without being pumped full of steroids and adrenochrome :laughing_crying:

Teacher: Can you say your definition of "x"

Me: Says my definition of "x"

Teacher: Ok, but you have to say autor of your definition...

:pepeDread: I hate school :drink:
Why are 2/3 of university teachers total idiots? (2/3 on the best of schools)

>To implement the >COV!D New World Order >they will start taking more of >your freedoms and rights >But lama in mind >It’s NOT up to them or anyone >to grant you Human rights!!
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If you recognize my profile picture:
1) Nice
2) Why??? Just why???

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.