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Trump: I'm the least racist person in this room.

And he's probably telling the truth.
This was on December 30th of 2017, when The Quartering was on Warski Live exposing the Magic The Gathering paedophile judges, while Mister Metokur helped create the persona of "Adam Racewarski".

It's surreal to hear someone say "gas the Kikes" on Youtube like it was nothing.

Also, it's kind of a boiling frog scenario, where the loss of free speech had been so gradual, I had forgotten how free it was before.

What a time!
Did they really only give Biden a closing statement just now?


They really did get Biden a closing statement and No such luxury to Trump... :pepeDread:

When I explain this basic common sense to people(democrats) they look at me like i'm talking about medicinal chemical structures and synthesis.

Power of propaganda.

Couldn't do much today but thankfully the day wasn't a total loss, i did learn about how to create drivers to drive the face shapekeys with bones. It's actually rather easy, just time consuming as you have to manually assign every shape key to every bone with its own driver.
Okay, the bone breaking from 1:27 actually sounds too nasty.
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@ChristiJunior @ililiiiililiilillil It's smart to pre-empt them. Nobody's gonna bother to watch the full version afterward. Get your side out first.
@ililiiiililiilillil It's hilarious how much Trump is screwing them over with this: "No guys, don't watch the full, unedited interview right now, you'll want to wait for our carefully edited version that picks and chooses what you actually get to see!"
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.