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@LukeAlmighty @Moon @NeikoCat Glowies push idiotic, implausible, disprovable or disempowering (e.g. "Trust the plan!") conspiritard shit to drown out the good stuff. Even within one general conspiracy umbrella, they push a stupid variant of the theory tends to discredit the more plausible one for those who don't dig deep (e.g. missiles and holograms in the context of 9/11 conspiracy).
> Vládní nařízení říká, že se v obchodech smí prodávat jen nezbytné zboží. Jaké to přesně je už ale nespecifikuje.


Dehumanization is one hell of a drug...

But how in the actually depths of hell do the commies not see they are advocating genocide using the exact words, that were used in history books? :alexjonesheadscratch:

I just don't understand it.
Dehumanization is one hell of a drug...

@matrix Excuse me, I have played Deus Ex. I think I know what the Czech Republic looks like. :gentleblob:

I guess they'll be removing the shooting and driving gameplay, and instead swapping in sucking cock and crying mechanics.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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