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This... This is why I despise the left.

They truly despise the idea of self improvement. Not only do they not understand it, they consider it evil.

day one of playing kerbal space program and i already got stuck in orbit without fuel

I love the wisecrack youtube channel.

No matter what topic they talk about, they are always completelly missing the point.

ITM the #NAtion!

I hobbled across to the nearest supermarket to purchase a usb-c charger for my NAphone.

Think I done some serious damage to my *ss doing it.

Got back to my isolation room, the same one I've been waiting for a bed on a ward in for 10hrs, plugged it in and no joy.

Looks like the apple made USB plug I brought wimme is as broke as the buyback of apple stocks is from apple themselves.

So, in lieu of being dramatic, if you don't hear from me again, its been great, you were amaze.

FUCK my life...

I cannot talk about my job here.
I cannot talk about my job with anyone I meet.

Mhy am I even trying...

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.