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@IAMAL_PHARIUS The line of thinking is that if you flood twitter and facebook with fake/artificial narratives, fake numbers, chatbots to artificially amplify discussion - you can influence these "automated intelligence" systems running on early gen quantum-computers - manipulate the decisions they recommend.

Completely changing something like twitter, would then necessarily change enough variables going into these systems to change the decisions they recommend. From my understanding, Bl*ckrock doesn't really even do "human"-decisions anymore, you just have target agendas then their system hands them the moves to make.

For lurkers who are thinking "what the fuck is this schizo going on about":

DO NOT BOOST - Interactions I do not want 

>makes demands of peeps that hate ur ugly faggot ass

😂 retarded fucking nigger lover.

This is what my ancestors fought for? If you're looking for Nazis, our ancestors killed most of them. Stop blaming us for your paranoid delusions!

@kumicota @Suzu @Elfie I thought he was kinda overblown until reading about the honda team that worked with him. He had an amazing sense for the kinesthetics of driving. He did a lap and asked the team to drop the shifter and clip about 1-2mm off the stick. They figured he wouldn’t know, so they did the rest of the work and sent it back out.

When he pulled it back in he commented on the other changes they’d done to the suspension, then added “hey you guys forgot to cut down the stick”

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