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@Becassine @LukeAlmighty @ImperialAgent @KonataWagner @D-Droid @WashedOutGundamPilot >men never tell women « I want kids »

the reason for that is simple. modern w*men have no problem giving there holes away for a night (mostly to chad) so of course that is what men will ask for. if they valued themselves enough to give more than a blowjobs worth of thought into who they end up with in bed, that would change quickly. at this point it isn't even "only fuck mr.niceguy" but stop riding the cock carousel and crying about becoming the drive by of the town :shrug:
@zemichi @LukeAlmighty @Platinum @Frondeur @coolboymew while you're eating sandwiches, your mons are getting it on :flustered_sunglasses: you chose good, they chose procreation! WHO IS WINNING ACCORDING TO DARWIN'S THEORY?! :doge_sex:
@LukeAlmighty @EffreyJepstein All we need now is to fuse this and preggumin for the most cursed konosuba image

Nemá náhodou někdo ze starších / archivujících filmových fanoušků české titulky k filmu "Tropická bouře", ovšem VE VERZI, KTERÁ BYLA V KINECH? Poznáte ji snadno podle toho, že hned na začátku v reklamě je jméno nápoje "Booty Sweat" překládáno jako "Řitní maz".
#czech #film

Watching women use language can be truly inspiring.

Fuckboy -> A man who sleeps around without a commitment
Whore -> A woman who sleeps around without a commitment

Easy. But because fuckboy has less bagage, these women unironically call themselves "fuckboy", hoping it will make them look more sane.

I don't get it.
It does seem lately, that the institution claim seems to be the biggest point of separation between the left and the right.

But I don't get how, why, and how does it lead to so many micromadnesses.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.