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We white advocates should support these freedom fighters. Just like us they want their land back. israel was always African. Lets support a relocation of all blacks to israel and deport the fake jews.
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Oh look at that this negress says that “I want children” is not a valid excuse for not letting your life be consumed by luciferian perverts

Let’s see how my brain reacted to this post:


Racism: +0.015% (Up!) Fascism Support: +0.022% (Up!) Grudges (Tribes: Sheboons, System Adherents, Shitlibs): +0.017% (Up!)**

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@WashedOutGundamPilot @Punished_Potatus

> Men love doing things and women love being things
This is actually crucial to making the gendered dynamic work. If you look at a woman performing the role of a wife and mother, it's a billion repetitive, boring, thankless tasks which aren't accomplishments. You sweep the floor three times a day and it's dirty again tomorrow. You change a nappy again and again and again. You cook meals and clean dishes and if you got your sense of personal satisfaction from *doing things* you'd be a wreck of a human being because your work is never ever done. You are a slave to the repetitive chores that care for the people you care about, so your entire identity is built around your care for those people.

Men suck at these chores because they get no sense of accomplishment or purpose from them, because they want to feel like they're *doing something*. It makes men better at having meaningful hobbies because women do them for connection while men do them for the actual task - and it makes women's participation seem trivial or careless when it's just a gendered difference in how we engage in things.

A hotel in Germany uses 3D carpets to prevent guests from running in the passage...

@IAMAL_PHARIUS Doesn't systems like OpenAI use twitter for data? Sometimes one wonders if all this kvetching is because changes to twitter will alter systems like Blackrock's Aladin, or any glownigger D-waves taking raw twitter data as input into decision making.
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