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(And I didn't write any nsfw prompt... that got there by itself.)

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Ok, this was an interesting experiment, even though, all of them got stuck in the same pose.

Aaaaanyway. Enjoy the batch, I think I have enough of this for today.

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anyone who calls me a fed gets blocked.

zero-tolerance for anime.

Anime is anti-White.

Either way, I'll just add a few last changes, and let the AI make some work with the worst girl.

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Why would they limit the batch count to the maximum of 100?

And... yet another DC game is dead even before it gets released.

Well, at least the cutscenes look great. I will watch it on youtube, when it comes out.

Also, the comments are as brutal as you would expect.

>Ah yes, Captain Shotgun, King M60, Harley Spider-Man and Deadshot with a jetpack. Amazing stuff, lads

> The most interesting part about this game will be reading how it all went wrong during development.

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