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Miluju fact, že se tu zároveň bavíme o manželství pro stejnopohlavní páry, a o zvýšení počtu pohlaví.

Pokud bude pohlaví víc, než 10, jaká je šance, že člověk, kterého miluješ bude pohlaví stejného?

Tak to vypadá, že piráti jsou třetí od konce :D Jen ten zelený hnus je předehnal.

Citazenship application for Czech republic 

@LukeAlmighty the first historical evidence of this:

Citazenship application for Czech republic 

Step 1: jump

Damn maniacs are absolutely bulletproof. :babyRage:

Come on guys, WE CAN DO IT!!!! :aniSparkle:

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Playing through Beyond Two Souls and ruminating on the fact that Ellen Page went from an up and coming star in Hollywood pre trooning to a brief media sensation during the "reveal" and to now being utterly irrelevant and forgotten about in modernity. The Monkeys Paw has long since curled, hope it was worth it.
This is actually hilarious. This is the trans equivalent of the meme about
>you wouldn't call a black guy a violent nigger to his face, because he'd kill you :zoomer_wojak:

We are about to be the best in the fucking world!!!

And I'm going to make it your problem :ablobcheer2:

Today, I painted a space marine...

Yeah, I know my soul is beyond saving by now.

@Shadowman311 excited to get cancelled for saying public schools are bad because it's mostly used by left-wing pedophiles to Groom children and make White people hate themselves. best case scenario your kid is a brainwashed cuck.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.