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I seriously don't get the point of the "in this debate, you will defend opinion X" kind of discussions.

It's disgusting. If you don't actually believe something, you cannot posibly argue on the topic properly. The best you can do is a strawman. It might be a good strawman, but most of the time, it is literally standing on a base of completely different logic, then lead the believers to accept it.

> A man could like stalk you through the woods, while a bear is not gonna do that....

Ok, I know, I should not be watching whatever, but where the hell do they get these women? I don't even blame "women" as an average for this one. This is just a special individual :omegalul:

Depression posting is so fucking cursed.

When I'm depressed, I an post the most unhinged shit I've ever thought of here, but as soon, as I saw someone else depression post,I absolutely forgot how that shit works :omegalul:

Inflation based rent grew 25% in 2 years :andyinsane:

I will stab somebody...

Výsledek voleb je pro mě obrovským zklamáním. Jako lídr kandidátky za něj beru odpovědnost.

V kampani se nám nepodařilo prodat naši práci a vysvětlit řešení, která nabízíme. Beru jako selhání nás i dalších proevropských stran, že v Česku tolik vyrostla krajní pravice.

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Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.