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What is wrong with formula 1?

You cannot use active suspencion
You cannot use sume aerodynamics
You cannot use bigger engine?

What is the point of the tournament then?

Today in: Why are women retarded?

I just mentioned that I should talk to some anorectic people, because they do know how to loose weight. My mom lost her shit completelly, yelling at me, that anorectic people are "sick in head".

Da fuck does that change on the fact that they do know how to loose weight?

@maxmustermann The drawings on the left are infinitely better than anything store-published in the past 15 years.
@maxmustermann His art does kind of suck from an anatomy perspective. You can break rules if you know what you're doing.

⚠️ Does anyone have the clip of loli explaining thet when selling something phisthy, lot of times, "once is enough"?

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.