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Don't worry, the Wuhan Institute of Virology has this one handled

EXC: The Infamous Wuhan Lab Recently Assembled Monkeypox Strains Using Methods Flagged For Creating 'Contagious Pathogens'.

There is nothing, that makes my eyes roll up into my skull, then jurnalists comparing me playing a female characters in games to me being a trannie.

The biggest casuality of the ukraine war is "based poland" accounts lol
Not just profit but also nostalgia to the point of not even making anything original. It's a cultural problem here. Anime might have homages with a scene referencing another scene with the reference being "hey this scene is a parody of a scene from Evangelion", if you're unaware of Evangelion you won't get it and it won't seem out of place. Or how say Akira had band names written on the jukebox and I'd assume the director just liked them. Or how MGS doesn't reference western movies explicitly as much as it does tropes and era music.

Meanwhile a guy on Twitter described watching the latest Fast and Furious with no knowledge of the last films like a dementia simulator with all the references you're supposed to get. MCU movies do the same shit but so did Wreck It Ralph/2, ready player one, and especially the new Chip N Dale movie where they made more effort with references than they did making a good movie.
@xianc78 @ryo Average game: You're trans, your dad is a bitch, it's a fucking "visual novel" because western gamedevs see it as the ultimate "lazy gamedev" game format without thinking of art/music, and it comes off as someone making their Discord vent channel diatribes into game format.

I'm talking about games like Secret Little Haven, Dys4ia, etc.

Crypto joke 

I can't afford any gas for heating so I'm mining bitcoin for heat.
Steam insists in censoring bare tiddies in harmless Japanese games but allows this shit to run rampant in their store.

We are seeing why ancient commandments to go to war usually included total annihilation. Can't have past grievances if there are no descendants to complain


I didn't know you could tape these "no postage necessary" flyers [envelopes] to boxes. This is a game changer.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.