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Rule one of cosplay
Stay in character, no amtter what. If killing younglings is what it takes, do it without mercy.

Oh Husbant

From rare you're neelring it must seem rike an 18-carato run of bad ruck.

Truth isu... the geimu was rigged from the starto.

Jupiter can summon lightning? Ok, that is seriously unfair.

Finally the moon stick...

I was wondering why was that thingie in so many parodies.

Our company does so many anonymous surveys...

Damn, do I have a trust issues, but I just don't believe it would remain anonymous for long, if I started complaining.

Unlimited FPS are seriously dangerous.

Turn on a game on my beast machine, and I hear my GPU beg for mercy. 100 percent usage.

So, I turn on V-sync... It goes down to 25.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.