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>"Shady Sands is blown up just after the events of New Vegas"
>"just after"
>Second Battle of Hoover Dam concludes
>credits roll
>Shady Sands destroyed
Congratulations you did fucking nothing the whole game

I need to start adapting to the fucking cold already.

Not, because it's healthy, but because I look fucking awful in a hoodie, and shirts are just not as warm... 🥶🥶🥶

I hate this existence. Why cannot we just heat up the planet by a few degrees already?

Microsoft captcha has 20 steps...

20 fucking steps. Guess what. I didn't do it correctly the first time.

> Being fat is like living in a Trueman show, except you know people are watching.

:MonkaThink: I love the comparasion, but I'm not sure I am even able to gasp it.

Finally some great thought from a random internet video.

Just imagine that.
I go to a comment section of a therapy channel, on a video about relationship advice, and people still comment "ha, incel" to people talking about their problems.

Women are truly incapable of empathy. Where the fucking else are they supposed to talk about their issues, if you harass them even on a therapy channel?

Amazing... Simply amazing, when a web has a support page saying to call them or contact them by e-mail, but literally not a single number or e-mail is present on these pages.

So, let me get this straight.
A tech company created an AI powered badge cellphone for 700 dollars, but they DIDN'T make it in a shape of an A......

Come on man... How stupid do modern companies have to be to miss out on this oportunity?

I'm starting to thing, that the main message of Sailor moon is to NEVER EVER EVER EVERRR!!!!! trust an offer that seems too good to be true.

Why the fuck do all bad guys get such a tragic and breathtaking death scenes?

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"Haha what do you mean soy makes you more feminine? Xenoestrogens? That's just a myth that right-wing dudebro weight lifters made up to justify their toxic masculinity. They're memeing on you! Don't be so gullible, anon!"
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.