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Kočkoholky je příšerný patvar. Catgirls si zaslouží víc uměleckou jazykotvorbu.

So, if I pay taxes for roads to be build and maintained...
And since the blocked roads are not usable...

Should I have a state-backed right to either run protesters over, or refund my taxes when the road is blocked?

Do you know that age old question of "What was she wearing" after a rape occurs? It's not meant to be malicious. It's not even excusing the action itself. It just states, that certain actions made the negative outcome more propable or even inevitable.

On an unrelated note, if you were to build a jewish state from scratch, where would you place it?

The biggest twist in Jojo's bizzare adventture that not even the biggest fans know 

Many know, that Star Platinum and The world are literally the same stand. That allowed Jotaro to stop time in the final battle against Dio.

But... Noone thought of the implications. Because this means, that Dio was only one piece of information away from becoming the most powerful stand user in the world.

Yes, Dio also can use Star finger.

What is the design of tiled wall called?

We have the same thing in Praha metro, and it looks futuristic as fuck.

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Imagine building a lagacy this enormous only to be ruined by a person you love... :kekw:

No matter what he does now, he will not be remembered as a great movie star, but as a cuck.

Watching the reviews of Steam deck clones is hilarious, because literally all the clones make the same mistakes.

All of them have a ridiculously ugly and clunky UI. I would get, if one of them had the error, but all of them literally the same problems????

Not to mention, that Valve made it perfect on the first try?

> I can almost see the MSI, ROG etc engineers all going through this scene for the last few years :omegalul:

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.