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I got reverse-trapped. It happens to everyone.... but 

I could fucking promise you, that when she dressed as a guy, she was somehow 15cm shorter 🤔

Is the short guy bias seriously that fucking strong?

This is kinda tragic.
There used to be MANY traditions to casually point out avaiable singles to each other. Another such tradition is the wedding ring for example. Yet, how many people do wear them for the fasion itself?

As a society, we saw all the hard build traditions made to facilitate what at the time seemes trivial, and we said "fuck that, we can do better". Well, it seems, that we can't.

Out of all recent Fallout properties:
4, 76, shelter and the TV show.

I cannot believe I say this, but Fallout shelter is the best one, without any question.

I know, that the correct term is an empire builder, but I love how X4 feels like an EXTREEEEMELY SLOOOOOOOW strategy game more then a space sim.

That's kinda the difference there. I also do not understand, why is the game so incredibly schizophrenic. You have 3 different cursors. One, to select a current autopilot goal, one to select an in-game object and one, to select an on map object. Switching between these cursors couldn't possibly be less intuitive.

Same problem goes for autopilot. When you sit into a seat, you are driving the ship, so you have to do everything yourself.... except not. You actually have an autopilot feature, that allows you basic traveling automation.... except not. You must land on each base manually, so you are cannot plan ahead... Except you can, IF you leave your seat, and provide instructions to the pilot through the map.


On the other hand, I am starting to fully love the depth of war simulation. And I hate the Xenon... :ablobflame:
The factions in X4 are actually fighting for the territory, using actual resources, building actual ships and bases. Are they going to be strategically smart? I doubt that. But it does provide a ton of instability and with that unpredictability into the game world. I actually feel fear for the future of Argon race while playing it. And that is something no other game can provide. Not even X3.

I seriously fear, I have gone full Terry already, and I just didn't notice.

For 20 fucking years, I have been warning people. For 20 years, I have evoided uploading my photos on the internet. I avoided having digital footprint, and I was telling people about the dangers of mass data analysis.

I was a 12 year old boy warning people, that their photos will be used by AI.

And now, that I've given up, after literally everyone has gigabites of personal data on Google cloud... Now people finally noticed? Fuck that. IT'S TOO LATE YOU IDIOTS. I ain't even hiding my data anymore, because it's pointless. It's OVER!!! AI has the big data. It has the biggest data you can imagine. I might as well enjoy the few social benefits now.

The most hippie post I will ever make 

Our fear of AI is caused by our inability to love.

If we understood love even 1 percent better, we would clearly see a way to create an AI that will be happy to help humans, even though we are just an inferior life form.

@LukeAlmighty @Marielle_Redclaw Cal (as in the game character) is clearly wearing lipstick, some eyeshadow, his lashes look fuller and even his brows have paint on them. This is all just from that one picture though, I haven't watched the trailer so it could be a shitty saturated picture too.

And yes, I agree with the fact people who rage about these "de-feminization" things clearly haven't seen grown ass women without makeup. The fact paint reinforced eyebrows look normal/natural to so many people is baffling. Not to mention contours and blush.

As for if men should be wearing makeup more: just go for it? Wearing eyeliner used to be a thing when I was in school (mostly goth and emo kids did it) and I've heard in the 80s it was a norm that musician guys wore makeup.
If it makes you feel prettier or more confident, go for it. Don't be chained by societal standards. Setting trends can happen randomly and every clothing/aesthetic style gets recycled at certain intervals to become "hip" again.

In before you shouldn't listen to me, cause I like hawaiian shirts on guys lol

I bought the cheapest wine I could find yesterday...

It's absolutely delicious

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