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Pizza Spaghetti and Lasagna are the same fucking meal with a slightly different marketing.

That feeling, when you realize, that the only reason your life is shitty is, because you spent 30 years sitting around, instead of gaining XP.

You're still a lvl 1 NPC. Get a life. Join the US Army.

> Both you and your neighbor are young men, and since both of you were gone at the same time, we were wondering, if you guys were gay...

I love boomers

When you come back from a long trip, and can finally lie down in your own bed.

It is just perfectly soft, the right ammount of pillows, the correct height, the right temperature :FeelsWowMan:

I have a million dollar idea. I just need a help from a mobile app dev. We're both going to be so filthy rich... 

We should make a dating app, where you can arrange a meeting with a local bear.

A bear debate variation 

Would you rather be alone in a room with a man or a spider

Life is precious because it is beautiful and reflects the divine. Our lives have inherent value because they are an opportunity to create and uphold beauty, thus reflecting the transcendent and divine. Your life isn't valuable just because you exist, you are born into a world morally obligated to do your part to contribute to the grand scheme. A society which abandons the divine as its foundation becomes merely self-referential and devolves into hedonistic auto-fellatio, and in doing so it must wither and die, to be pruned away by God to make room for new, healthy branches which can once again bear fruit.
@Terry I really dig the tactical makeup she's wearing.

Nothing says "ready for war" like a nice application of lipstick.
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.