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When you're on diet, be careful of Jojo effect.

You never know, when the Jostar blood might awaken something bizzare.

Já bych kola normálně zakázal, pokud většina ciklistů postrádá mozkové buňky potřebné na to, aby nejezdily po chodníku plnou rychlostí.

I wrote a blog post a while ago about why I f***ing hate video games. They appeal to the male fantasy! 

Stardew valey:
Just imagine falling asleep at 2AM with no prep needed 😍

I cannot find the comic of 2 white guys surrounded by immigrants, while one says "at least they're not illegal" :pepeDread:

@LukeAlmighty Neironicky volí piráty minimálně piráti. Zvolením získají peníze a moc pro sebe.

Wow... It's actually no change for 2 weeks already.

Well, time to actually increase intensity. But this is actually the logical limit of safe dieting. According to all the "muh deficit people", I should not be possibly gaining by now.

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No weight loss for several days.
I hate this, I hate this, I hate this!!!

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Pokud znáte někoho, kdo neironicky volí piráty, můžete mi vysvětlit, proč by něco takového člověk kdy udělal?

The multiple intelligences cope literally never stops being funny to me.

> Hanlon's razor
philosophical adage stating "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

I do not believe, that people were stupid enough to think of such a retarded rule. Therefore, I unironically say, that it was spread among people with malice.

A griend of mine told me, that she is afraid, that she won't have anything good to watch after she finishes Attack on titan.

Lottle does she know, that it is actually the best time to watch Attack on titan :alexjonessmile:

40k bullshit 

It is interesting, how the 40k lore treats the different factions victory on the existence of the Warp.

If humans and elves win, the chaos will grow. But what about other factions? Tau are way too braindead to be angry/horny. Therefore, the chaos would die. Fucking commies.

Do we even know what will happen if Tyranids aren't stopped? The single mind seems to somehow be worse then the current chaos already.

Orgs are just happy to kill, so they are ok no matter where they go. They would most likely create a different gods, but the current ones would have no chance.

Necrons are soulless already, so they would leave the warp blank.

Did I get this part of the lore right?

Tried installing League of legends
The game has a malware, that needs to be turned on the entire time from the start of computer up until you play the game....

So, I uninstalled League of legends.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.