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Another reason why Japanese media is superior: Whenever we hear about manga/anime rape scenes, it's always women being raped, not men.

....well, unless you count Berserk (around blacks, never relax).

Went to a luxury concert
Expensive as fuck

And they have this text on the toalets
(there are no tissues in there either.)

Why am I learning just now, that this impressive love letter to the emperor was supposed to be a satire against him?

I would say, that they can't mrmr, but this is actually hurting my brain.

I used to take the "leftist meme" format as a joke at first, but things have got so ridiculous, that by now, the average riggt wing communication looks like "yes, she is".

And in some extreme cases, we've managed to get our language to wuch an unprecedented levels of efficiency, that we can sum up our entire opinion into "N".


Hell no.

Encouraging more people to want to work overtime is the whole point.

Overtime is good. It increases the production of society. Putting a huge tax on overtime hurts overall production.

Start thinking of taxes as incentives and disincentives, and you'll understand why Trump's 1'st term tax cuts led to record employment in every demographic and real wage growth for the first time in my lifetime.

Trump is a brilliant economic manager, and this is a great example why.

I've seen a lot of people in the hiring pipeline lately trying to act like they have no influence at all on who gets hired

"we don't make hiring decisions" yeah nigger you just decide who gets a chance to get hired at all
Gonna run as a third party candidate on the following platform:

>anime waifus assigned to all poasters
>nigbot has unlimited access to purpa drank and Newports
>trannies are beaten to death on sight
>vidya game designers who deliberately engineer ugly female characters have their eyes burned out with acetylene torches

Further suggestions welcome
>Don't help the people of North Carolina or Florida because you spent all your money on illegals and Israel
>Publicly state multiple times that you don't intend to do anything in regards to disaster relief beyond what you've already done (almost nothing)
>Block most outside aid because you're territorial about civilians stepping in on your operation
>White nationalist groups start showing up and clearing debris and handing out bottled water and just generally doing the job you refuse to do
>Complain about it

This is East Palestine all over again, the Biden administration has a long and storied history of just refusing to provide domestic disaster relief under any circumstances. And these journalists think the alternative is what? Dying of hunger and thirst in flooded houses? Of course not, you take what you can get, and yeah of course they're filming propaganda and spreading leaflets. The federal government has essentially abandoned hundreds of thousands of people because of their race and the states they live in. They would be stupid not to propagandize.
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.