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Tak jsem se převlékl za Erena.
Matka: Co to máš na sobě?
Já: Já jsem takový hloupý Honza, co se chce vydat do světa.
Matka: No vypadá víc jak lidožravý otesánek

Já: :alexjoneshey:

Another day, yet another example of Destiny's supperior intellect 

Hey guy. If I just forcefully transitioned you, and you hated the changes done, what would you do?
I would try to detransition
Wow.... you really love transitioning now

You cannot make this shit up. I feel like there could be entire books written on the mental gymnastics just in that short clip.

Oh... fot a moment I forgot how much I hate shrinks.

Don't worry, it's back on

I know, it sounds lame, but listen 

Why wasn't there a Hitman mission at Comic con yet?

I mean, if your target changed it's costume every 5 minutes, that could make for quite an interesting mechanic.

The good news:
It seems I might finally have some friends

The bad news:
No fucking way I can find time to play new Elden Ring now.

Ok... it seems even black women are now only allowed the one same haircut as their men.

> You should never judge people's costumes. It's rude, and it ruins the fun. Cosplay is their love, so don't destroy it by compating them.

- Literally a fucking judge from a cosplay competetion.

This is why I fucking hate women.

The witcher 4 trailer was so incredibly lame...

I get, that you cannot tell the same story 4 times in a row, but that was not a Witcher trailer. Why? Because contrary to other slashers, witchers are special by the way they prepate for the fight and the way they deal with moral problems.

So, how did she prepare? How did she show us, that she knows the monster she is fighting with? In a trailer for first Witcher, he knew he had to hide inside a coffin. That was briliant storytelling. In the vampire trailer for W3, he poisoned his own blood. GREAT. In here....... she used a night vision after she realized, that fighting in dark is hard. Yes, she drank it in the middle of the hunt.

So, what about that morality? Well, that is where the trailer gets insulting. It steals the "killing monsters" line from the trailer for W3, obviously called "killing monsters". But in this case, they didn't show it. They were so Californicized, that they were afraid to show the moral act of executing the cancerous pigs. So, what did the trailer actually show? Barely competent superhero slaying the hag no.9.

I cannot believe, they managed to fuck up a trailer.

Uhm... How about no?
Killing your enemies is based and always justified. Especially, when they unironically killed someone from your family.

Anyone knows a decent website, where I can watch Taskmaster?

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.