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Ragebait from Chris Williamson podcast 

> I think that, when you're looking for examples of positive masculinity, the best and most positive masculine examples of men are usually not just out there talking about themselves and their problems.

Bruh... Having issues is so feminine. Are you a bitch? Suck it up...

briliant :pepelol:

I love the taskmaster.
What a shame, that noone knows the show. It's so niche...

I am sorry, but I am going to watch Destiny again.

Because I really want to see the coping.

It was just a coincidence, that I found the scariest character during the blood moon, but damn, that was one hell of wibe...

The edge around a kneck on a suit is a fucking geometry sourcery.

Nějaké doporučení na židly k počítači? Silně zvažuji cokoliv, co není ten périkolečkový design s výbušninou pod zadkem.

The religious fags on Twitter are melting down over gamers telling them to fuck off for trying to ruin games in ultimately the same way feminists tried.

The latest is referring to any female character with sex appeal as porn. Some times they just feel like handing an easy win to the left. :pepedisappoint:

Fortunately, it's not the left on the other side of this fight. #GamerGate2 :boxing_kitty:

Volební příslib Top09
- Platy jako v Německu
Volební příslib Ano
- Důstojné důchody
Volební slib SPD
- Stop nelegální migraci
Volební slib Pirátů
- Naše volební priority musí přece být jasné každému. Máme je všechny vypsané na webu v 38 stránkovém dokumentu, a ten prostě mluví za sebe. Pokud jste naše velkorysé hodnoty doteď nepochopily, tak nás volte jen ze zvyku, ono to tak si i bude lepší.

11 korun za papírovou tašku, ale inflace je na 2 procentech...

Oh god... For a moment, I forgot just how many fraudulent apps were on Google Store. It's so fucking disgusting. :blobcatgooglytrash:

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.