Ragebait from Chris Williamson podcast
> I think that, when you're looking for examples of positive masculinity, the best and most positive masculine examples of men are usually not just out there talking about themselves and their problems.
Bruh... Having issues is so feminine. Are you a bitch? Suck it up...
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- Naše volební priority musí přece být jasné každému. Máme je všechny vypsané na webu v 38 stránkovém dokumentu, a ten prostě mluví za sebe. Pokud jste naše velkorysé hodnoty doteď nepochopily, tak nás volte jen ze zvyku, ono to tak si i bude lepší.
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When you don't let people abuse your kids.
LukeAlmighty DO NOT have any pronouns. You can only refer to LukeAlmighty by LukeAlmighty's name. Please, be tolerant of this.
Please be patient, LukeAlmighty have autism
I you are in Czech republic, DM me, I'll be happy to grab a beer with you
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