
If only the Founding Fathers were more based we wouldn't be in this situation.

@Mr_NutterButter i mean they tried :blobcatdunno: they can't do anything about judges just making shit up

@icedquinn That's true but they could have also set up a lot more barriers but I'll definitely give them credits they created one of the most prosperous countries in the entire world and an extremely stable government.

I definitely don't think they could have foreseen the amount of bullshit that people would try to and subvert the written rules and laws that they established.

@icedquinn also further note, I find it really interesting how an almost every country judges act almost exactly the same and get very similar powers but yet it's constantly proven how they have extremely poor judgment and destroy laws consistently.

I don't think anyone's ever really looked into the idea how to reconstruct the justice system :blobcatcoffee:

@Mr_NutterButter poland wanted to do something about it and the EU started screaming about how holding judges accountable is a human rights violation or whatever dumb shit europeans say
@Mr_NutterButter i mean. i did solve it. single term limit, conscription by sortition.

that eliminates ivy league dominance of law among other things

@icedquinn That's actually quite brilliant.

Who would have guessed it would have been that easy

>conscription by sortition
So, like jury service, except it's judge service?
@Mr_NutterButter @icedquinn sounds u should have tryed law career but u didnt so ur a do nuff dissident on fedi, many such cases

@Mr_NutterButter the founding fathers were extremely based. the ones that followed just became less and less based over time.

@beardalaxy The great Soyification.

Looking through a lot of their letters and things that they actually wanted to implement into the government but never made it through really opened my eyes to how truly based the founding father's were and the only reason this stuff didn't go through is because they had a fight with other people who weren't as based as them.

It truly is sad that great men are handicapped by bugmen.

@Mr_NutterButter @beardalaxy yeah i think one of the framers wanted to include freedom from medical tyranny also

@icedquinn @Mr_NutterButter i still can recognize too that they had a lot of ideals going off of their current set of morals, morals that later peoples wouldn't recognize as their own.

@icedquinn We should just kind of get rid of copyright laws and any laws relating to that because it doesn't really do anything other than stifle creativity and innovation and it's a crime that people can sit on IPS in different inventions for almost 100 years and do nothing with them and then right before it's about to be released to the public domain all of a sudden they start pumping stuff out it's insane!

@Mr_NutterButter copyright was fine when it was mostly locked to 20 years

@icedquinn Personally I think it should only be a maximum of 10 years but it puts pressure on the inventor or author to create everything they need to create before it expires.

However I could definitely compromise at 20 because I know a lot of different inventions and medicine takes years to create and they definitely want to generate a large profit for it.

It's still insane the irreparable damage that Disney has done to copyright law.

@Mr_NutterButter if it were up to me, commercial medicine would be banned across the board. no non-non-profit would be eligible for licensure.

its absolutely retarded that we pay universities to seek grants to make drugs, and then pfizer turns around and sells them back to use at a 100,000x markup
@icedquinn @Mr_NutterButter

I don't think people who don't know the difference between copyright and patent law should be discussing how to change it

@BlinkRape I know that there is a difference between copyright and patents I don't care enough to type it

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