If only the Founding Fathers were more based we wouldn't be in this situation.

@Mr_NutterButter the founding fathers were extremely based. the ones that followed just became less and less based over time.

@beardalaxy The great Soyification.

Looking through a lot of their letters and things that they actually wanted to implement into the government but never made it through really opened my eyes to how truly based the founding father's were and the only reason this stuff didn't go through is because they had a fight with other people who weren't as based as them.

It truly is sad that great men are handicapped by bugmen.

@Mr_NutterButter @beardalaxy yeah i think one of the framers wanted to include freedom from medical tyranny also

@icedquinn @Mr_NutterButter i still can recognize too that they had a lot of ideals going off of their current set of morals, morals that later peoples wouldn't recognize as their own.

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