I just had a great idea for a game world!

Someone mentioned how every game has a certain vibe to it and I couldn't agree more.

So I thought about a game world for my dream game which is a PVP and PVE game merged into one and I came up with the idea and aesthetic that I think would carry this game hard!

Hear me out!!!

The game is set at the founding of the United States and the premises is that the current United States government traveled back in time and is trying to occupy every single point in history to install they're so called equality belief.

So you a Patriot with the help of the founding fathers go battle against the corrupt modern American government in a crusade of freedom, in battles of supremacy over the land!

This would be Sci-Fi / Steampunk world. I'm even imagining a player hub to where there will be the Constitution that you can have the voice actors actually read to you word for word and the founding Father saying randomly based things.

I feel like this aesthetic is incredibly under tapped and appeals to the male fantasy on the highest degree!!!


@Mr_NutterButter hell yeah, just make it unabashedly cool, like in the style of an old sega game kind of cool.


@beardalaxy I haven't thought about art direction yet but the only thing that I know is that it needs to be unabashedly the most American product you've ever witnessed in your lifetime.

Even thinking that there should be a music option in the game to where it plays only the most patriotic songs.

I've been thought of some of the enemies that you'll fight against.

They're definitely going to be suicide bombers who are going to explode with soy everywhere on the ground.


Also was thinking of having different factions from different periods in American history that allow you to buy or use special weapons or abilities.

So there would be an Italian mafia faction a slavery faction a anti communist faction stuff like that.

I'm just going full in!

@Mr_NutterButter games like this run the risk of being cringe or very polarizing, so you really gotta ham it up and make it fun above all else. it's a bit of a hard line to tow but i'd maybe look at something like Metal Wolf Chaos for inspiration.

@beardalaxy Yeah the idea just to make it outlandish as possible.

So you would have abilities like fist of freedom that spawns in an eagle head whenever you hit someone.

Stuff like that etc.

Just try to make it fun

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