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why are people from britain called english people if they can't even speak english properly?


I've been so busy with other stuff I haven't had time to actually revise parts of the story I've written so far and haven't had time to even write any more either.

@beardalaxy nice almost every single time I'm playing deadlock I have to update after a game because it gets updated so much.

Bright side it gets me time to cool down and stop tilting

last night, my internet went out right after i stopped playing ff16.

tonight, the game got updated right before i played it with a stability patch. nice! probably not a game changer but hey, i'll take a few extra fps.

I have the funniest and most original meme idea ever

@vriska I feel like if you lived in Pokemon you would keep five of them as a pet

>garage music
>listen to in your house

>house music
>listen to it in a public venue

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.