@VD15 Rip I feel you.
It's just starting to get cold here so in like 2 or 3 weeks I might have to wear a light jacket.
@LostSpirit life is cruel
@vriska how gay today?
@xianc78 when you take power you kind of are forced to work with those people to some extent because they have that much power.
But you can at least say he's somewhat trying to correct the ship.
This is more proof that the UK is just the landfill of a once great empire.
I'm sorry for dumping our trash here but it was already a dump.
@georgia Damn, how could you
@ned they were a lost cause a long time ago.
I would say in 1990 is when it was too late and unrecoverable for them.
I was mainly referring to Eastern Europe the US and South America.
And I guess some sections of Asia.
#nobot Psychological Operations Needs Specialist