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The Google AI isn’t hallucinating about glue in pizza, it’s just over indexing an 11 year old Reddit post by a dude named fucksmith.

@Dan_Ramos I just pirate their stuff.

Works better than the payed and Adobe products are genuinely well built. Most of the time.....

@f_o_u_r_t_y Those reality TV shows from the UK just highly that people from the UK are just rednecks in Europe.

@f_o_u_r_t_y I've seen what you mean.

I was more talking about from literature.

@f_o_u_r_t_y It's honestly sad how far the UK has fallen. It used to be one of the greatest empires in human history an cultivated one of the strongest and most moral cultures ever seen and it's fallen to this, truly sad.

Full screen ads, and they'll keep buying consoles, until and well after they need to drink a verification can to get to the main menu

@r000t unless you're severely economically impacted if you just play on a console genuinely there are lost cause.

Because there's a difference between playing with a controller and playing on a console.

@LukeAlmighty I keep forgetting you guys don't live in subtropical climates.

Rip hope it's not to cold.

The older I'm getting the more I understand that I great grandparents were right all along.

We should have shot that money.

The other thing I'm noticing is because the UK has so many government-run services especially their healthcare system because they're turning into a third world country it's actively making everything else collapse around them because they can't sustain it.

You may have free healthcare but have fun waiting half a year to actually get looked at.

I actually find it funny that European countries previously under Soviet occupation is somehow doing better than the UK at this rate the UK will turn into a third world country at how shit and destroyed everything is.

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