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Me attempting to “punish” a boss with two consecutive light attacks after dodging 10 second long 15+ attack chain combos with AOE spam.

@Shadowman311 it's actually even worse because there was a video from scientist who was talking about how the vast majority of all scientific articles are being co-written by chatgbt and it's even being cited as a co-author.

This is probably why I've been so fascinated with Miyazaki's work from a lore point of view.

I share a similar view of what beauty is, that he has.


"This is my personal ethos or approach to aesthetics—it doesn't necessarily speak to the whole company," Miyazaki said. "There are others with their own ideals and own aesthetic. But yes, it's something I've tried to maintain with Elden Ring as well, that approach to design. I think what I'm trying to do is depict something beautiful, at the end of the day. How you interpret beautiful is obviously in the eye of the beholder; it doesn't necessarily have to be something physically charming or outwardly beautiful. It can be something inside that lets you empathize with them on a deeper level.

"To be realistic, I feel something beautiful needs something ugly—something that's depraved or tragic to heighten and embolden that beauty. I think that's a much more realistic depiction of beauty, to have something small and beautiful inside something tragic and decaying. Something that's just plainly, outwardly always beautiful doesn't have a sense of reality to me. I like to try to create something beautiful within that tragedy."

5:00 A.M Thought's!

while going to sleep I randomly thought of a magic system.

The idea is that whenever you paint a symbol onto someone they then gain that attribute. Basically if you paint a symbol that makes you faster on to someone it does make some faster and vice versa if you remove the symbol then the power gets destroyed.

Has anyone else thought of this idea?

I know runes exist in most games/magic systems but I'm more or less talking about how this only works if it's specifically painted onto a person.

@beardalaxy the difference is one is a bunch of pixels that can come back the other ones permanently gone...

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