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Look I like Trump for his ego but my God to someone need to tell him to rain it in a little bit.

He's only really good for pissing people off.

I'm having such a hard time killing rellana, I got the most blessings that I can get in the starting area.

The reason I'm having a hard time against her is because I'm using a glaive and it has such a long recovery animation after an attack that I normally get caught by her combo or swing after I try and hit her it normally isn't a problem with other bosses because I can only just side swipe them to avoid their attack but she's way too nimble.

@Shadowman311 Who makes them?

Whoever they are they're actually fairly skilled.

@picandor One of the best places of advice I've ever gotten is, never question your life after 9:00 pm

I've finally arrived at the Rialto Library 📖📚. And I'm 'bout to continue writin' my New OC 📝✍🏾. Andriy Kovalchuk The Combat Hopak Fighter from The Ukraine 🥋🥊🇺🇦. Now with all that bein' said. Wish me luck dudes and dudettes.

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