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I think a lot of people misconstrued the idea of rot.

Rot is often attributed to stagnation, when it's instead, life that has an overly energetic and rapid rate of turnover. Only rot can bring out the best qualities in life.

This is the view of my villain, he is life incarnate.

Who will replace Joe Biden on the Democrat ticket?

@Titanbreakerkun I've at least booted my unplayed games at least once or twice and then realized that I really didn't like them.

@Electronwarrior In most parts of the world outside of North and South America this isn't actually that weird.

I've heard that some parts in Europe it's really common for men to do this with people who you are really good friends with, particularly best friends.

But for world leaders, it's just kind of odd???

@beardalaxy sorry for the late response to this I've been catching up with all the old messages I didn't respond to when I went on vacation a week ago.

Honestly I would be honored. You make amazing music.

@xianc78 The people I know personally who joined the army don't even do combat they're mainly engineers/mechanics.

After a few days of looking through reference material and revision I believe my side characters design should be related to dragons.

It fits the aesthetic more and is actually pretty important for the story considering the direction I want to go in.

I'm trying to really decide for my side character, who's going to be heavily involved in the story if she should be afflicted by a curse of entropy or if she should be afflicted by a dragon's curse?

Both are interesting roots and I do want her entire story to be related around the gradual decay and corruption of her body.

And both of those are related either to the main villain or the taken.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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