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Going to bed. But before I do something just crossed my mind. Theoretically would it be possible for a hacker if he somehow gained access to let's say the database of streamlabs or OBS partners he could theoretically stream on all those people's channels to convey a message to an extremely large audience?

People are more willing to help fictional characters than real people.

Holocaust denying antisemites are the most hilarious. They clearly have a strong desire to kill all the jews, but somehow they don't believe that someone who had their views a century ago would have tried to exterminate them once he had enough political power.

I think I scared my friend

He was talking about how he wants to visit Chicago and walk around the city but he's afraid of getting jumped "he's from the UK"

And I responded with there's nothing a 12 gauge shotgun can't solve.

He now no longer wants to visit the United States

@matana I think I remember you mentioning you have written story's before and I was wondering where's a good place to learn how to write?

"agree to disagree" is something only a bottom would say

I hate the internet I've gotten to a point where seeing a girl nude is no longer exciting or remotely horry anymore. :alexjonescrying:

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.