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I have now developed a degenerate strategy in deadlock where I can outscale almost everyone incredibly quickly in Lane.

It's very simple I buy an item that increases my damage by more than 45% out of the gate the catch is that you have to be above 50% health

I then buy two items that are health regeneration and a regeneration item that you have to proc that heals you for 45% of your current Max HP.

Combined with these two strategies I'm able to have permanent 45% damage while healing more than my Lane opponent early game.

Meaning I have more damage than them more sustained than them and I can be permanently aggressive without needing to go back and buy items constantly and pressure which forces them to constantly kite never leave their Tower and their inability to buy items.

@Mr_NutterButter oh this one is really easy, just pan fry diced potatoes with lemon pepper to taste until done, add scallions and two eggs, cook eggs in the same pan, mix it all up, eat!

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.