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I'll still never comprehend how some people can't read or think with a voice in their head.

Granted my voice that I hear in my head isn't always consistent most of the time it's just a generic male voice.

But sometimes because I listen to so many commentary channels The voice will be the actual narrator of thet YouTube channel I watch.

I think the reason why I love art deco so much is because it it represents modernism mixed in with inspirations from all of history only taking the best parts.

It also revels in the idea of glamor beauty an exceptionalism while also keeping everything practical and easy to use.

I still feel like we don't have any style that even comes close to this.

I also feel like this was the ultimate expression of pure Americana because it was inspired from all around the world but permanently featured in the USA even though it originated from France.

how can i be racist, I just watched two hours of interracial cuckolding porn??

Well I guess I completely forgot.

All my emails are almost 3 years old so I changed all the passwords and updated backups and key phrases.

I use keypass and I generate passwords of 300 characters with all symbols included. I know this probably doesn't make a difference but it's nice to have a long password because that very least I know a human can't guess it.

Apparently manufacturers in China who produce mooncakes for having a difficult time selling them this year and up until the Autumn festival because these companies put to many additives that you're prone to get sick from eating it that a large majority of the Chinese population didn't buy moon cakes this year because they're scared for their health.

And because of that people are freaking out and blaming the younger generation for not holding to tradition.

Boomers exist all around the world and they still want to fill us with poison.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.