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VD-15 boosted

I just thought of a cake in the shape of a Hilbert curve to optimize for the best part of the cake: the edges, then I discovered someone already made it! I'm glad that there are brains out there that think about the same stuff as me.

@matrix just watched that bit of the stream and I appreciate the quote

@matrix tyranny is perfectly acceptable so long as it's not the state, because that would be facism

@igeljaeger A pole invading german terrirory for once? Now that I'd like to see.

@alyx alternative tip: heroin

@georgia it's never not been the year of the femboy, UwU

@lain so everything I learned about tricke-up, trickle-down economics from my extensive bitcoin mining operations in rowanda isn't at all applicable in real life?

@georgia were you bitten by some kind of shin-height creature?

@lain by that logic, are you telling me that loans aren't just free money!?

@matrix If you naruto run you can move faster than the cars

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.