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Map imports took longer than expected. I can already tell that collision detection is going to take even longer. There goes the rest of my week...

VD-15 boosted

I guess the Thor wasn't too happy about Natalie Portman's casting either...

Am I the only one who unplugs all of their shit in the middle of a thunderstorm?

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Thunderstorm where I'm at RN. Sky looks like someone put on a strobe light. Personally I like to believe somebody has introduced EDM to the cloud people.

New video live now. Watch it. Or don't if you wanna be that guy.

Uploading now, oooooh boy... And it only took me over an hour to get the render settings correct.

VD-15 boosted

Game Industry 

@VD15 @sandrockcstm
I for one welcome another North-American industry crash. The dodgy "journalists" and their shit-tier hit-pieces, the abuse 100% crunge-time in the industry and the horrible and exploitative gameplay (to name a few) need to end.

But I don't see this happening any time soon. :-\

VD-15 boosted
VD-15 boosted

Rendering some bullshit, Looks like I'm uploading today after all!

VD-15 boosted

Working on a new video. Expect shit so you'll either be harmlessly content or pleasantly suprised

This game has an in-universe dialogue for the options menu. What the fuck?

VD-15 boosted

This is a problem.

Yes I may be touching the third rail here... but this is Vice media's fault that this shitstorm started in the first place.

I CAN FINALLY DELETE ENTITIES! And it only took me three days! Now I can focus on the actual game part of my game instead of engine-related shit.

Eyy gurl, are you an IEEE floating point number taking up 64 bits? Because you got me seeing double ;)

Was up until 2 a.m. last night sorting out a build error, this game's going to be the death of me...

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.