
Does anyone know a good article that describes all anti-aliasing technologies? I keep forgetting which one does what, and I keep needing to search for references. I'd rather have 1 article bookmarked, that contains info and comparisons with all of them.

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That article seems pretty good. I don't need a deep rundown into the details of every technique, just enough description to remind me what the acronyms stand for. I sometimes think I know them, but then I see SMAA vs MSAA and my brain goes back to square one.

I managed to find a good article too, but it's not as neatly organized imo.

P.S. Also for some reason when I see SSAO my brain jumps to SSAA.... I'm starting to hate these acronyms...

@alyx Yeah. The acronyms can really be a mess. SS can be both screen space and supersampling.

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