@matrix @matrix why do so many people put the dollar sign on the wrong side of the number?

The education system has failed us
@xue @sjw @alyx @matrix "Hello, I would like to pay dollar eight, please" statements dreamt up by the utterly deranged.

@bartholin @sjw @xue @matrix
$8 looks nicer, cleaner, but yeah, it makes less sense than 8$. Just like how MM/DD/YYYY is kinda stupid.

@alyx @bartholin @sjw @matrix
mm/dd/yyyy is useful when you are a farmer and need to know when to sow or plow

@xue @sjw @matrix @bartholin
Because dd/mm/yyyy or yyyy/mm/dd doesn't carry the exact same information?

Just pick a logical order of increasing or decreasing granularity of your units. That's all I'd want from this clusterfuck. I feel like plucking my hair out when I see americans do dates like: big-thing/smallest-thing/biggest-thing.
Makes as much sense to me, as if I measured a road as: 15 feet, 5 inches and 20 miles.

@alyx @xue @sjw @matrix @bartholin Write it from smallest number to largest number. Today's date would be 01122225, for example.

@Alex @sjw @bartholin @matrix @xue
I think we should convert the date in number of seconds since an arbitrary date, and then convert that number in binary.

@alyx @Alex @sjw @bartholin @matrix
i personally like dd/month in roman numerals/year
but computers took that from us

@xue @sjw @matrix @bartholin @Alex
We used to do that in school. Don't really remember when I stopped. I've only seen dd/mm/yyyy in the real world where I live.

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@alyx @sjw @matrix @bartholin @Alex yeah, we stopped doing that because of computers
but it was nice and intelligible in all european languages
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