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Well, my totally legit and authentic, even more inside source (like inside Ye himself, that's how deep inside my source is) told me that Fuentes was never anywhere near Kanye West, and all of you need to get your eyes checked for believing such contrived nonsense.

How the fuck do you screw up posting on 4chan THAT BADLY!

To this day, I still don't know if Him is a man or a woman.

>a blurry something in the background, going in a different direction

>You can't take this data as proof that X thing happens, because the data could be skewed from X happening.

I won't forget today easily.

>their country broke out into war and they had to run away
I envy people who still believe that, but sometime during the "Syrian refugees that are provably not from Syria" immigrant crisis, I simply stopped believing it.
I have nothing against economic migrants that seek a better life, I just hate being lied to my face.

@SoyMagnus @ceo_of_monoeye_dating
I get that, and I appreciate a good "you're a faggot" or " your mom", but I won't stand people trying to gaslight me anymore.

From an European perspective (and not even a right wing one at that): how the fuck don't you people use voter ID? What kind of special kind of retards are you people?

Populations aren't as simple as: this side just keeps increasing forever.
There are multiple forces at play that stabilizes things. You don't get to say "you don't understand statistics" because you limit yourself at a too basic level. From your understanding of population dynamics, the western world should have kept increasing its population, but reality has shown us that it not only stagnated, but it's actively decreasing in size.
Populations tend to stabilize themselves at healthy levels.

@roboneko @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @icedquinn @Ashalam
I've explained far too much already. At this point I'm feeling like I'm talking to a stubborn wall.

@ceo_of_monoeye_dating @roboneko @icedquinn @Ashalam
And it's hilarious, that EVEN IN YOUR ARGUMENTS for why men handsome would be less represented in the data, YOU ARGUE that women are more picky, have much higher standards etc. But then you desperately try to disprove data that shows EXACTLY THAT.

@ceo_of_monoeye_dating @roboneko @icedquinn @Ashalam
Sorry man, nothing you said convinces me that this severe difference can be explained away. There is something else underlying there, that you refuse to believe, because you're probably still stuck in your mind believing women are flawless beings.
News flash: they're not.

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