The answer is consultancy firms and diversity hiring.
Consultancy firms skyrocket costs.
Performance is worse because companies hire based on minority status instead of qualifications and merit, so less competency.
The cost cutting is just old fashioned corporate greed. Nothing new there.
Things seem to not add up because you assume dev studios work the same as they did in the 90s, that they have the same kind of employees, the same kind of business practices, that the tech environment is the same. They are not.
@j Don't give people false hope. That's cruel.
@DeezMistaReez yes
Good point.
I've been wracking my head figuring out if the diaspora voted for Călin Georgescu also because they got radicalized by the shit going on in the West. Cause theoretically, Romanians living in Germany, UK, Spain, etc. as immigrants would be benefiting from the leftist policies there, so you wouldn't think they'd be so against liberal-left ideas.
@j Seeing how women do not poop, the only way I can interpret this is that you're suggesting people reading this will gay marry other men and have them as their wives.
This is a joke right? RIGHT?!
Suddenly, it's no wonder Destiny's wife left him, if he's fucking random dudes. And I'm assuming the Nick Fuentes bit is a case of mistaken identity.
You don't like "pajeet" because it's offensive.
I don't like "pajeet" because I find it harder to pronounce and it sounds ugly to my ear.
We are not the same.
@db Just had a talk with my dad about the Romanian fascist movement of that era. So I think that matches the spirit of this, even if we don't celebrate Thanksgiving (for the obvious reason of not being American).
Wrong. "innit" is British for "desu ne". Shame on the bastard that can't even weaboo right.
>Who made this?
A Romanian. The annotations are in Romanian language.
@LukeAlmighty I preferred Thunderf00t's old Quran burning, where he filled an HDD with digital Quran copies, and then threw it into a fire.
One thing I did once is take advantage of 7z big dictionary to compress thousands of copies in an archive the size of 1 initial copy (more or less), and then make thousands of copies of that archive, rinse and repeat until you get bored.
You reach astronomical number of copies quite fast, and you probably can still get it to fit on a floppy.
#FreeGames Dark Sector
Considering how bad video games are today, maybe it'd be a good idea to take advantage and play a late 2000s game, for free.
@LukeAlmighty I already see people calling it the blur era now, and it really didn't take that long for people to start calling them piss filters.
@theorytoe I never get tired at laughing at the current breeds of "white supremacists", who desperately try to simp for Hitler. If that bastard somehow were still alive, you'd be first on the chopping block, you morons. He'd get rid of you simps even before "muh juice" you complain about.
inb4 Nintendo.
@mushroom_soup The cat is not mistaken. YOU are the real treat.
@Bad_Banner That looks like shit.
RIght... when they decide to issue arrest warrants for pretty much every leader of an Islamic state, a couple of African leaders, for Xi the Pooh, for Kim Jong Un, heck throw Putin into the mix too, then I'll start taking them seriously. Until then, every one of these international institutions can suck my hairy balls.
Just another random person passing by.
The Alyx Vance must go this way anyway.
Gordon Freeman dies in All Dogs Go To Heaven 2.
I wasn't designed to be carried.
En Taro Igel!
Lift me up, let me go...