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I don't completely hate it, but I dislike that they automatically make accounts from the sync accounts.

Someone should find a way to rewrite the Linux kernel in javascript, just to annoy people (me included probably).

Press X to doubt.
Press F to pay respects.
Press J to fall in love.
Press O to get married.
Press I to start divorce proceedings.

i am told there are bad actors on the internet

i can only assume this is what they call those people who spend an inordinate amount of time trying to get bad apple to run on things.
>goes the extra mile to pour ketchup on top
And that's how you know someone is serious about this, and it's not just for show.
At first I thought the teddy bear was just someone trying to be edgy gone wrong.

But you can't explain away legal documents that are a direct reference to cp; or even worse...

@VD15 @pomstan
The types of restaurants that will bother with limited or seasonal things are gonna be higher quality ones in the first place, that can easily cover changing some paper every once in a while, and will have enough self-respect to do so.

And a decent restaurant will try it's best not to change the prices too often anyway, cause it can drive repeat customers (that will easily notice this) away. Seeing small price hikes constantly is gonna leave a worse impression that a bigger rise once a year or so.

@pomstan @VD15 @Kallian
Every manufacturer will put different things on their device. There isn't really a standard you can rely on. Closest is expecting that an Android phone comes with Google Play Store and Services.

There are other bits and pieces that have a high likelihood to be installed on the average Android phone, but none are 100% sure.

@VD15 @pomstan
If you constantly need to update your menu, to the point where you only provide a digital menu, I have no faith in your restaurant or the quality of it's food.

I can appreciated a QR added to the regular menu, as a way to review the menu later on, and be enticed to visit the restaurant again, but a digital menu only is nothing but a sign of a bad restaurant.

A/B testing images is fun for me... don't ask me why. I don't know either.

On beach I do notice a slight decrease in the typical jpeg artifacts around edges (in some places), but in exchange is shits out artifacts everywhere else. There is a decent file size decrease, but it's just not worth it at all.

I'm looking at his other examples, and it still doesn't look favorably for his script.

soccer looks good, but there is no significant difference in size, and they look the same anyway.

I did find a small visual improvement in satchel, in a very small area, but the ruined background is far more jarring, and would distract too much in a normal viewing the notice an improvement in an area the size of a small coin. Same file size though.

He doesn't give a png for these others. Just q85 versions from other encoders.

Seems like a waste of space. I'm not seeing anything of use, just a rediscovery of what jpeg is supposed to do in the first place, and what other formats surely improved upon already.

We need to ditch jpeg, not try to retrofit useless algorithms that barely do something, and when they do, they worsen the image.

Here's the thing that perplexes me... a lossy image compressor already does what his script is supposed to do. It looks at an image, to see what areas are more detailed, and require more bits, and which can get by with less.

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