Is he actually an illegal immigrant? I'd rather trolls not use this as the new swatting, calling ICE on people who are citizens just to scare the fuck out of them. I don't want troll false reportings to end up being used as ammo against deporting criminals out of a nation.

@coolboymew @j I'm getting the same repetitive issue in Europe, but I just assumed the ad market is small here, so there won't be much variety. And since US is bigger, this particular issue with internet ads might be just localized here. But maybe it's more common than I though.

Step 1. Adblock
Step 2. Watch via mpv
Step 3. Download via yt-dlp
Step 4. ???
Step 5. Profit

They really don't seem to get it. The reason people do all this is because the ads they serve have become more obnoxious, more intrusive, and more stupid than TV ads. (not to mention the borderline illegal or scam ones).
I do remember the days when I was using an adblock extension, but I consciously chose to disable it for YouTube because the ads were tolerable, and I appreciated the site for what it offered.

I know what they could actually do to force people to watch ads, but it seems they're still too stupid to figure it out or implement it. They need to directly inject the ads into the video stream.

Great job. Now he reminds me of Onision. And I had to go digging a bit to remember that name. One of the OG internet creeps.

@Nepiant @j
I know the feeling. Which is why I sometimes try to lead by example. Can't say I've been too successful in changing how others interact though.

@Nepiant @j
So is that where the world is right now? If a response is too long, it must be AI? Humanity is doomed.
Glad it helped though.

@Nepiant @j
Well, apparently MPEG-5 is actually a new(ish) video codec standard, but it hasn't been used anywhere so far, and there's probably no real plan for anyone to use it anytime soon.
So the joke might be that he's encoding stuff in a codec that you might not even be able to play back.

Another part of the joke might be related to the "baseline" part. A description from the only encoder that might exist so far:
"The "Baseline profile" contains only technologies that are older than 20 years or otherwise freely available for use in the standard".
This makes it sound like baseline doesn't actually feature anything unique to MPEG5, and other more mainstream codecs could perform the same thing as MPEG5 baseline.
So in other words, he'd be encoding in an obscure codec, but doing it in a way where he won't even gain any benefit from it. It would be like a technological oxymoron, if I understood this correctly.


Tell me you're a moron, without telling me you're a moron.

Being a vegan I understand, and can respect up to a point. But the PETA-like nonsense... nah fam. Those people deserve hell.

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