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@cryptpad @matrix
Black lives matter. (Except in China)

Trans lives matter. (Except in the middle east)

Queer lives matter. (Except in the middle east)

Smash fascism. (By smashing Amazon's competitors)

Stay safe out there, people. (Make sure you don't accidentally burn yourself when burning your black neighborhood store)

Thanks for informing us!

I have to hand it to the anarchy guy. This might actually be the first time I was linked to a website that actually qualifies as what I would call a "fake news" site.

By the way, anyone remembers what site Tim Pool constantly brags he uses to check which sources are trustworthy or not? I want to find as many sources as possible to check this website of his.

@akeno @adrint @alyx @Jack
>Take modernism
>Put it into the garbage
I have read enough Anarchist works to recognize all the typical arguments. So no, let's not agree with CIA niggers that its a good idea to be a violent moron who burns down everything. These people are not even working class. Most of them are upper middle class to super rich. Virtually all Anarchists and Socialist either came from money or nobility anyway.

You want children to grow up hating and fearing everyone around them? Cause this is how you do it. Fill them with political propaganda during their silly cartoons time.
Seriously, imagine laughing at a Spongebob cartoon, after which a message pops up with "be scared, the world is crumbling around you". How do you think a kid will react next time a Spongebob episode comes up?

I wonder... if I were to go to one of those protests/riots with a sign that just said "I'm tired of violence" how would I be perceived?
The message can easily be interpreted both as one against the rioting and violence that these protests spark, and we know that if you bad mouth the violence you'll suddenly be seen as anti-protests and pro-cops, and we know how that ends up. But the message can also be interpreted as being against the initial violence that supposedly sparked the current manifestations (ie death of Floyd).
So the question is, how would a rioting mob interpret it?

How did people lived without status=progress in dd?
AFAIK it was added recently, like in 2015.
@steph please keep politics out of my hobbies, which are by nature apolitical, I don't think it's that big a plea in such a politicised world where apparently every step you take and anything you do can be construed as a political statement with the intent of controlling and manipulating the population
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