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Left wing atheist (Tracie Harris):
>Problem: USA has very high suicide rate among men
>studies show that if people fail their first suicide attempt, they're a lot less likely to try again
>most men go for a gun to commit suicide because it's highly efficient
>Solution to problem: ban guns more, so less men commit suicide

This shows just how faulty left-wing thinking can be. Sure, all of that is probably true, if you ban guns, successful suicide rates are probably gonna drop drastically, but you're still not actually solving the issue. You're putting a band-aid over it.

The issue isn't the suicides, the issue is: why are so many men in USA so depressed and miserable to the point where want to be released from this mortal coil.

Banning guns as a solution to suicides is as logical as Foxconn putting safety nets around its building. Just because you deny/prevent someone from committing suicide doesn't mean they'll suddenly go looking for help for their mental problems. They're just gonna continue suffering on their own for a lot longer. Technically speaking, you're basically a sadist trying to torture them as much as possible, instead of actually trying to understand their problems and reaching out to give them a hand.

And the most absurd part of all of this, is that I guarantee you that the same person that advocated for this "solution" is probably pro-euthanasia (assisted suicide) for the terminally ill. Maybe I'm missing something, but I find this highly self-contradicting. Either you're fine with allowing people to have control over their life and death, or you're not. You can't have it both ways.

P.S. For anyone curious, I'm pro assisted suicide; and I think citing suicide rates is a terrible, completely inadmissible, argument for banning guns.

I should keep a link for this video for the next time someone gets offended when I call them an useful idiot.

@igel alright alright, you're special, completely not like others

Igel, I'd rather talk about politics, than idly sit by while the world collapses into another communist totalitarian system.

Antifa are the new nazis. 

You all have forgotten your history if you think the reason the nazis and Hitler came into power was because Germany suddenly got tens of millions of racists to vote for the Nazi party. No. They rose to power because they formed the brownshirts organization that terrorized people and disrupted public events of anyone of an opposing ideology; and then they came with the "solution" to end their own violence. Let the nazis rule. Oh, and they were called brownshirts, because they wore the same fucking clothes. Reminds you of anyone?

- black block (all black clothes)
- can't help themselves but interrupt, protest, and get into fights with any right wing rally
- creates terror
- attacks innocent people
- destroys private property
- makes demands that the government subject itself to their will; in effect demanding power so they'll stop their shenanigans.

The list could probably go on, but in any case, I laugh my ass off at the incompetence and ignorance of anyone claiming Trump's the big bad. Bruh, Trump has NO all-encompassing ideology. Antifa has the "muh white-male patriarchy and systematic racism" that somehow affects every single thing imaginable. Anything and everything must be explained by this single ideology.

And if you want to claim the Proud Boys is Trump's "brownshirts", may I remind you that there is no connection between Trump and them.The Proud Boys literally have had issues with government authorities, with Trump's government, and got no help from the "big bad". Antifa on the other hand gets regularly defended by both the mainstream media and left-wing politicians. And need I remind you that they literally got donations just recently to get them out of prison?

Antifa is the left-wing's paramilitary group. And they are doing the same exact kinds of shit that terrorized the German people enough to vote for a psychopathic maniac. Ask yourself, who is it that these fuckers want you to vote for now.

>unplanned donation
Now I've heard everything.

Nuke CHAZ for all I care.

We need to burn universities to the ground. This bitch is a professor who believes you don't need to prove your claims.

Paul Joseph Watson may be absolute cringe, but you have to admit he does have talent at collecting clips and editing them together to relay his message.

If it's ok with everybody, I think I'm gonna upgrade CNN's status from "fake news" to propaganda.

Remember, when southern American states wanted to secede from the Union over slavery disputes, a civil war was started and the confederate forces were condemned by history.

How do you judge the CHAZ in Seattle? How are they any different? Or should I start calling the confederates "peaceful protesters" so I can be on your level?

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