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TFW a post gets so long, you have to pull out a word document.

re: uspol 

@kitty @alyx
I was almost gonna repeat your post until:

>What you will receive is social opposition, which is something that the first amendment would have never protected you from in the first place. I do not consider that a loss of first amendment rights

"First amendment doesn't protect against mob rule" take.

A mob mobilized by funded political organizations crashing against the individual is almost more diabolical than a police force. If anything, it's bc they are LESS held accountable than a police force. You're too focused on the police & government to realize how laws & amendments are also there to protect yourself from the mob or tribe. The individual is the first, & most vulnerable minority in a society. If you cannot stand by that bc you support "social opposition", then you side with the mob in a situation.

Cops used to protect KKK events in order to protect their first amendment rights from violence. Something to consider there. Laws tend to pop up precisely to prevent mob rule judgements & tribal violence, otherwise we'd still be lynching blacks in the South whenever some rape happened bc after all it's "social opposition" & his rights aren't being nullified according to the mob or "social group" he's present in :^l.
"The government isn't preventing that black person from claiming his innocence, it's only social opposition looking to punish him before due process". Lel

>children die all the time because irresponsible parents and false information regarding vaccines
>nobody bats an eye

>1 criminal nagger dies because of incompetent cop
>cities literally burn, people demand cops be disbanded, multiple countries left in chaos.

How the fuck is this fair? How the fuck is it normal that people are more outraged by the death of someone we now know was a drug using criminal than by the death of innocent children?
I'm not saying it's wrong to be upset about Floyd's death, but aren't these things a bit disproportional? Just a teeny, tiny bit out of whack?

Fuck the world.

TFW you realize that a 3 decades old game had more thought put into it's AI than modern titles.

I'm unironically curios if Raid Shadow Legends is actually any fun. Has anyone actually played it?

I really am sick and tired of all of the virtue signalling... this is slowly getting worse than the "hands up" bullshit.

I'm watching "Half-Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware" and I'm honestly considering doing a run with the enemies cranked up to 2x the difficulty than regular hard.

I appreciate the work people put into trying to convert Half-Life Alyx into a classic first person shooter, but how exactly are they planning to deal with puzzles and VR mechanics?

Big brain unpopular opinion: The culture war is actually the civil war: electric boogaloo you've all been waiting for, and without even realizing it, you've been fighting in it for years.

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I got a bit heated in my last post, but I'm so annoyed at how people mindlessly go against the government, as if the threat to our liberties actually is coming from there currently.

Actually think for a second, when was the last time the US government, or Trump, got someone fired because of hate speech or "online harassment"? When was the last time the government got someone to make public apologies/flogging themselves for saying "all lives matter"? When was the last time the US government had any impact on the current "culture war"? When exactly did Trump force anyone from the video game industry, comic industry, movie industry, board game industry etc. to censor or change content to fit with the government's political agenda? When was the last time the US government created political propaganda content and demanded you must watch it, or else you're not a good citizen?

Can we actually be honest for a fucking second, and stop blaming "muh government" like a bunch of retards, when "muh government" is more irrelevant than ever.

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