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@bot @lucy @RobinWils It is random, but there's so much of it so fast it evens out

@xianc78 I know enough people with fucked up front teeth where the wisdom teeth pushed everything around to be sure it's not a complete sham, but I don't doubt that dentists might be overly proactive with it

@LukeAlmighty In DOOM I realised I had less fun using the BFG than the other guns so I never used it

@Ricotta And if men were allowed to pick lower, they would

@NEETzsche Makes zero sense. Either you believe in IP and know you're only "buying" into a contract to use their IP under their terms, or you don't accept IP and you don't need this non sequitur

applejack boosted

@nixCraft >On Wednesday, Microsoft updated its Windows IT Pro Blog post to note that the pricing listed applies to commercial organizations only and that details of consumer pricing “will be shared at a later date.”

@kirby I'm pretty sure you just extern char* blob; and then embed it with the linker

@xianc78 This is posted two days after the bridge collapse gematria post

@LukeAlmighty Doesn't it make you even more retarded for watching him then :tanya_sigh:

@xianc78 He tried to assassinate several people. I don't get why people rally behind him

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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