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@DarkMahesvara Most voted this week: Linux, Linux, Steam, Linux, Steam + Linux

GOG Galaxy is a CEF (cross-platform Chromium) client… why won't they just build a Linux version…

@xianc78 I mean, he is right that it's a dumb reason to state why you can't be held accountable. The real reason you can't be held accountable is that you don't owe anyone shit

@LukeAlmighty Does it really make sense to say you're in the game if you're then ignoring it's mechanics?

If so, you can at least run into the forest and catch some fish in Factorio, just don't come close to the biters and they won't do anything to you

Meanwhile, I doubt you could even physically move in space marine armour, much less survive in an elite unit

@beardalaxy I guess I can at least probably roleplay her as being aged up into her hebe years :tanya_sigh:

@beardalaxy I really liked playing as a cute loli in DD:DA. Obviously because it's cute, but also it added to the feel of the character. A human taking down a drake is already a feat, but a little girl with a sword and shield doing it in roman-esq attire made it even more so

Guess it's impossible for me to enjoy the second game for some of the same reasons as the first. Welp

characters i'm horny for bingo 

@beardalaxy I swear this has less to do with me being a furry and more to do with you picking bad human but good furry girls :tanya_realisation:

@Fratm I have 50 config files and programs tied to X. Not switching unless the immediate benefits are substantial, and so I guess probably never using Fedora

@mikuphile Vulkan is an order of magnitude harder to use while OpenGL is fine unless you need either raytracing or hyper performance. It also works on basically anything

OpenGL triangle: 171 lines

Vulkan triangle: 2133 lines

@xianc78 Then it becomes a bit more complicated if you want to store more data with tags later, change names, you'll probably want a page that lists all the tags, and iterating over all the games/tags to list all the tags each time is a bit…

@xianc78 You'd want to do the same thing pretty much anywhere. A tag and it's relationships are different kinds of data you'd want to keep on their own. You wouldn't want to store tag data on posts themselves

Since querying by tags is also gonna be common it gives you a better opportunity to index it, like he says

@picandor @beardalaxy I don't really have a problem with gay people. IIRC I talked about the sexually antagonistic theory of homosexuality with you, but that's it

@picandor @beardalaxy Children can consent because consent just means agreement

You can think it's bad for them and that their consent should be violated to prevent it, that might make sense, but pivoting it on "they can't consent" doesn't make sense

We don't say that "kid's can't consent to playing in the street!", we just say it's dangerous and prevent them from doing it even if they want to

Sex and it's consequences are not a complicated concept either, so specifying "informed consent" doesn't change it

@IAMAL_PHARIUS The missing information is the fact that it cold be hollow, genius

at least when i booted a new laptop for the first time a few weeks ago it refused to continue until i connected to wifi

@beardalaxy @LukeAlmighty @tomie It will. You just have to:
pandoc --pdf-engine pdfroff -o doc.pdf

@beardalaxy @xianc78 Isn't this itself projection? That the group that dislikes loli is full of pedophiles instead of the group that faps to drawings of children

The default opinion is against loli, even to the point where it's illegal in most places, so anytime anyone anywhere does something criminal it's not surprising they were either against it or said nothing on the topic

If they did say anything pro-loli, they wouldn't survive in the public. The exception would be Japs (where lolicon is synonymous with pedophile), and there's no small number of counter-examples of lolicon artists or mangakas tracing pics, drawing real kids, or mangakas caught with IRL CP

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