@LukeAlmighty @Mr_NutterButter I've seen people use the fact that Ugandans that immigrate into the US have higher IQs than American blacks as evidence that Africans are more advanced

@Mr_NutterButter It's going to be whatever country has 'blacks' with the most non-black blood mixed in on average, and at that point it just depends on what you defined black as

@8500toukyuu@pawoo.net The zoomer lynchmobs are coming, faggot

@beardalaxy It happens wherever one interacts with other people. I think it happens more often through work or other friends. Do you try to talk to girls when you do gigs?

@zonk People say this and then make fun of JS for doing it because it turns out static types help you not nigger the code

@LukeAlmighty Can we please get some off-Earth colonies going first?

@Kagekokoro @mactonite Actually, I don't know why I thought the :MeguWhat: bubble was someone offscreen, she says it

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