Can anyone please explain to me, why this is tolerated? The entire AM/PM system seems to be fundamentally broken, and I don't get, how did that happen, since the math should be quite simple.

@LukeAlmighty Fucked up, but even more fucked up is something I saw while playing a game and it's that the Japs start counting from 00:00 to 11:59, and once the clock reaches noon it resets back to 00:00 but they use 午後 instead of 午前.

@Kerosene @LukeAlmighty sometimes if something goes past midnight they'll do shit like 25:00, 26:00, etc. I don't know if it's a Jap only thing but it pisses me off because it makes sense but also doesn't

@arc @Kerosene @LukeAlmighty I actually love that lol. "event from 12:30-26:30 on 4/4/24" makes a lot of sense to me because it's not like anyone who goes to the event is going to be going two separate days, they just stay there. The next day only truly starts when you wake up.

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