
>grow up with boomer parents
>they talk about how being an adult is great
>turn 18 right during the 1st round of wu flu hoax lockdowns
>now almost 20
I'm only a zoomer, is this what being an adult feels like?

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Exactly same here... (except postponed a few years because of uni)

@bakubased I feel you. I'm about to graduate this spring and I don't know if I can get a job without taking the jab. Also, knowing that I will own nothing, eat bugs, live in a pod, and be microchipped in less than 10 years is depressing.

@xianc78 not to mention I had to go through schooling of "you're a white male, hate yourself!" from one end and informal "you're a faggot so kill yourself!" from another.

Going to higher education is basically determined by how much of a good goy™ I can be and the trades they end up just hiring "migrants" that are easier to exploit for wages.

Oh and let's not forget I won't ever see social security or anything like that. I was supposed to have fun my last two years of high school, instead I was stuck inside on zoom with incompetent teachers (I give them some slack at first because some have never done this much with tech but FUCK)

@bakubased I could've graduated earlier if it wasn't for this shitshow. Going back to in-person classes is much worse now. There is even more anti-white shit especially after the BLM riots from last year and our campus has gone all out on the climate scam with more electric reserved parking and getting rid of straws in the cafeteria while promoting vegan shit.

I'm just glad that vaccines aren't required right now on my campus. I rather just wear the mask.

@xianc78 I chose do to offline learning for my final year (last year of high school) simply because I can't be fucked to deal with the circus that is going to be in person learning right now. Plus I get to do homework in my pajamas. If I'm going to be forcefed bullshit propaganda I just ask that I'm comfy.

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