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"what's wrong?"
(Juggling 6 different trauma symptoms at once)
"I'm fine bro."

I can't believe some people think that "pray the gay away" actually works.

I went to those "pray the gay away" programs. I'm still gay. I still find men attractive.

I didn't "become" straight. However, I did gain a lot of trauma from this only recently, now that I turned 18 and could "age out" of those programs.

I still have very graphic nightmares about this. I am cautious and calculated about /everything/ that could /maybe/ suggest homosexuality or effeminacy in my real life.

The people put in those programs won't "become" heterosexual; those urges will still be there.

Don't worry, though! It won't matter because they'll be made to feel as if they're unworthy of love from anyone! It doesn't matter if you're gay or straight if you feel like you're genuinely broken and unworthy of feeling anything good!

But congratulations! At least they aren't gay anymore!

I got a date because of D&D so let's see how tomorrow goes.

Fuck it, the dice are making the rules now boys!

>"please wear a mask sir."
>"Please withdraw and count all my money. I'll take it elsewhere."

The saying that greets workers at an Amazon Fulfillment Center.

You know it's bad when the official sonic Twitter arrives to shame you

I'm glad you think I'm funny dude, in fact my entire life is a joke.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.